Antidote for calcium channel blocker overdose
Antidote for calcium channel blocker overdose

antidote for calcium channel blocker overdose

In the ICU, her pulse rate was 45 /min, with blood pressure of 100/70 mmHg and SpO2 of 96%. She was subsequently transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU). Her blood sugar was 60 mg/dl, and she was given 100 ml of 25% dextrose over 20 min. She was also administered a bolus of atropine. A 7.5 Fr endotracheal tube was immediately inserted and gastric lavage was performed with activated charcoal via gastric tube.

antidote for calcium channel blocker overdose antidote for calcium channel blocker overdose

Relatives reported she had an episode of vomiting, followed by rigidity of limbs and a possible seizure. Pupils were equally reactive, and she had oliguria (urine output: 30 ml/h). She was drowsy, with a weak pulse, heart rate of 35 beats/min, systolic blood pressure of 85 mmHg, peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO 2) of 40%–50%, and bilateral basal crepitus. She was admitted to the emergency department in an unconscious, diaphoretic state, with frothing from the mouth and tongue biting.

Antidote for calcium channel blocker overdose